Olympic coach and trainer Marcio Sicoli shares the secrets to conditioning athletes for winning sand volleyball.
In this video you will learn how to incorporate a conditioning session into your regular practice routine. Coach Sicoli, coach for Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, demonstrates drill ideas that develop skills, and train and condition the team at the same time. From the very beginning of practice to the end, Sicoli uses volleyball specific activities to both warm up and condition the athletes. By combining the two he is giving you valuable tips on how to make practices more efficient without neglecting skills or conditioning.
Coach Sicoli starts out by explaining the three energy systems that are used in sand volleyball, and gives examples on how they are used. He feels coaches need this information to be able to properly plan what type of conditioning program is needed. He then goes into great detail on how to warm up and condition while using court movements and volleyball skill sets. These drills help coaches with their dynamic stretching, plyometrics and general court movements.
With the use of skilled players, Coach Sicoli demonstrates how normal volleyball drills can be used to warm up and condition players as well. He continues by showing how conditioning can also be incorporated into main practice drills and game drills. Players get great sand conditioning while working on their passing, setting and court movement.
Sand players need to be in a different kind of shape than court players and coaches never seem to have enough time for both practice and conditioning. Incorporate these drills to build your players aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, explosiveness, and stability all while working on volleyball specific skills.
Produced at the 2013 AVCA Annual Convention in Seattle, WA.